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Monday, June 18, 2012

Getting An Understanding Of What Is IUI

To understand what is IUI, you should start by understanding that it stands for intrauterine insemination, is an aid to conception for women. Less expensive and less invasive than IVF, it has a success rate of as high as twenty percent. It can be a great help to couples who have problems in getting pregnant due to endometriosis, anti-sperm antibodies or mucous unexplained infertility in women.

This can be a great treatment for those who experience problems getting pregnant because of endometriosis, unexplained infertility, anti-sperm mucous and antibodies in the woman. Men with sexual dysfunction, borderline sperm counts and low sperm motility will also qualify for this treatment. It's also used when donor sperm is to be utilized.

IUI can be carried out in your doctor's surgery. Sperm is put right into your uterus, so it's far more likely to fertilize the egg than ejaculation through intercourse. More sperm can enter the womb, their journey up to an egg is shorter and the chances of sperm being destroyed by antibodies and vaginal mucus are lower. IUI is typically used, combined with fertility treatment, before looking at IVF.

For best results, IUI takes place on ovulation day. The number of eggs released may be artificially increased, to make the odds of conception even better, by a drug like Clomid. You may be tested to ensure the day is right.

So on the day, sperm is contributed. It's concentrated then washed, removing damaged or ineffective sperm plus seminal fluid. This is important as the fluid contains prostaglandins which normally don't progress past the vagina. If they did get into the womb, they may cause illness and severe cramping.

There are few downsides, or side effects, which you may have to consider, when learning exactly what is IUI. The costs run to the hundreds rather than thousands of dollars. If you've been trying to get pregnant for 12-18 months and not succeeded, or you have a condition listed above, it's definitely a good idea to discuss IUI with your gynecologist or family doctor.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Odds of Getting Pregnant - Ways to Increase the Odds of Getting Pregnant

If you want to increase the odds of getting pregnant, there are several methods that you can try. Most women would like to achieve this goal as naturally as possible and as quickly as possible. These steps are entirely natural and will help a lot of women to conceive.

The first thing that you should do is stop taking any birth control pills that you are on. It is best to stop taking them at least three months before trying to conceive. This will enable your cycles to return to their normal patterns and make it easier to determine when you will be ovulating.

Nicotine and alcohol will make it harder for you to become pregnant. They are bad for your health anyways and you should seriously consider giving them up just for yourself. They will also damage the fetus if you do manage to become pregnant and can increase the risk of miscarriage.

There are certain things that men and women should eat in order to help their chances. Men should make sure to eat lots of food with zinc in them. These include lean meats and seafood. It is also possible that calcium and vitamin d can help to increase a man's sperm count. Women should try to drink tea more often. There is a report that shows that women that drink a minimum of half a cup of tea a day were seven times more likely to conceive.

Men should ditch the briefs and start wearing breathable underwear and boxers. These will enable the genitals to breath and will therefore increase the sperm count of the man. Men should try to avoid overheating themselves and avoid saunas and hot tubs for the period that they are trying to conceive.

Ovulation predictor kits will help you to determine when you are ovulating. You are more like to conceive if you have intercourse while you are ovulating than at any other point in your cycle. Intercourse can be timed so that it occurs during ovulation.

Lovemaking is supposed to be fun. If you are too stressed about how long it is taking to conceive, you may have trouble getting in the mood and will probably not enjoy it as much. The more you enjoy the experience, the better chance you have of conceiving. You do not have to plan every session and spontaneous lovemaking certainly will not hurt your chances.

Plan your lovemaking sessions for when you are both most fertile. Some men's sperm count will lower with daily intercourse and many doctors recommend trying every two or three days instead of every day during your ovulation period. Most men are more fertile during the morning as well so you should try intercourse when you wake up as well.

It can take some women a long time to conceive and that can be upsetting. These tips will likely help you but it is not guaranteed for everyone. If you feel that it is taking way to long and believe that something is wrong, you should see your doctor and ask if he might have something that will help.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

What are the Chances of Getting Pregnant?

Check this rss fees to learn an updated tips and advices on how to increase your chances of getting pregnant naturally.

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